November 11, 1885 Wednesday 

November 11 Wednesday  Sam wrote from Hartford to Frank Fuller, advising him not to pay Literary Life a cent to advertise for him. Sam wrote he’d “dropped that scheme I wrote you about” (on Sept. 26.) realizing it would take all the time from an “idle man.”

“But mainly I dropped it because I was afraid it would hamper & delay a scheme of mine of 4 years’ standing which absorbs all my love, & interest, & spare time [Paige typesetter]. Your own scheme looks well, but it doesn’t begin with mine, honest man! Till I look in on you next week, Affectionately yours / Mark” [MTP].

Sam also wrote to Charles Webster about Rollin Daggett’s Sandwich Islands book that he’d “constructed” with the King of the Islands. Sam wanted the book and would pay a higher royalty if both names were on the title page.

“I would rather have this book than any that is offering now. It can be fascinatingly illustrated.”

 Sam told of Redpath’s visit and his response (see Nov. 10 entry).

When Webster went to Canada “about the 28th of November to copyright the General’s book,” Sam said he might go along if he wasn’t “needed on American soil by any etiquette of law” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.