November 18, 1885 Wednesday

November 18 Wednesday  Sam wrote from New York City to Livy on Western Union form as stationery:

“Livy dear, I suppose I shall leave for Washington at 8 in the morning, arriving at the Ebbitt House there about a quarter before 2 in the afternoon.”

Sam wrote about the dinner the night before, only three courses but “a marvel”—raw oysters, very small, fresh, terrapin stew:

“…in dainty little covered pots, with curious little gold-&-silver terrapin spoons from Tiffany’s, [an] entire canvass-back duck, red hot from the oven. [It was a] memorable dinner” [MTP].

From Sam’s notebook:

There was an understanding with Gen. Grant, in Co. Fred’s presence, that we should run the N.Y. Genl. Agency instead of appointing a Genl Agent, & that we should take 80 per cent of a Genl Agent’s commission, & give the Genl the other 20%. But this have never yet been signed, though written out & sent to Mrs. Grant by Col Fred some time ago. Yesterday—no, I believe it was the day before yesterday—Webster asked Col. Fred about it in my presence in our office, & Col. Fred said he believed he had mislaid that paper somewhere, & added “But you needn’t be uneasy about it; mother understands it & I understand it, & know that agreement was made; & that it isn’t signed is only an accident…”

That was entirely satisfactory to me, & also to Webster, & we said so [MTNJ 3:211].

James W. Paige wrote having rec’d Sams of Nov. 17; the name of the foreman of the NY Herald that Sam requested was John Brusnahan [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.