November 24, 1885 Tuesday

November 24 Tuesday – Sam read proofs early and made the rounds of newspaper offices, talking up the Paige typesetter. He called it a “wild day” in a letter to Livy the next day. He accompanied Charles A. Dana, editor of the New York Sun home…

…at 4 p.m. & played billiards till dinner time, 7 pm; then stayed to dinner with the family, Mrs. Dana & two married daughters, & had a very lively time; billiards again after dinner, & got home at 11, where I met a disappointment in not getting any letter from you [Nov. 25 to Livy; MTP]. Note: Sam added that Livy’s letter had just come.

William A. Brownell for Keokuk National Bank wrote in behalf of Mary Timberman (see Nov. 25 entries) [MTP].

U.S. Grant, Jr. wrote a short note on a small card “Fred wants to see you here tomorrow. If you will not be here will you please let Fred know” [MTP].

Joseph Jefferson telegraphed Sam about seeing him; telegram not extant but referred to on Nov. 25.

R.B. Ogden wrote from Keokuk on behalf of Miss Mary Timberman asking Sam’s “aid in her advancement in her profession” [MTP].

Mary Timberman wrote asking for aid in entering the dramatic profession [MTP]. 

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.