November 27, 1885 Friday

November 27 Friday ­– Livy‘s 40th birthday. Sam wrote Livy his sentiments on her 40th:

We have reached another milestone, my darling, & a very very remote one from the place whence we have started; but we look back over a pleasant landscape…And here we have company on the journey—ah, such precious company, such inspiring, such lovely & gracious company!…our old love grows & never diminishes…Your husband [MTP].

From Livy‘s diary:

When I went down to breakfast I found a little table trimmed with smilax and with my gifts on it beside my place at the breakfast table. Mr. Clemens gave me a most beautiful copper vase, shaped much like the old estruscan vases; with beautiful design and motto on it. Mother gave me some money to buy some silver, (I think I shall buy soup spoons.) Susy gave me a blotter, with some work of hers in sepia on the cover, her first attempt at using water color it is very pretty. Clara gave me a little Japanese match box. Jean a little steel implement to use in keeping your sleeves down when you draw a sack over them [Salsbury 213].

The Clemenses threw a dinner party for twelve: “the Warners, & Twichells & Joe Jefferson & a son of John Bright among the company. Had a riotous time” [Nov. 28 to Orion; MTP]. From Livy‘s diary:

Tonight or rather this afternoon at four o’clock we had Mr. Joseph Jefferson to dinner, with some friends to meet him—we sat twelve in number at the table, among the guests was a young Mr. Bright.—son of Mr John Bright the English liberal. He brought letters to Mr Clemens. We had a pleasant time enjoying Mr Jefferson exceedingly. The guests were Mr & Mrs Twichell, Mr & Mrs Charles Warner, Mr Dunham, and Sally & Mollie Dunham….In the evening I took Clara and Susy to see Mr Jefferson in Rip Van Winkle. They enjoyed it all immensely—it is the first time they have ever been out in the evening to a place of amusement here. Susy has been once in New York.

Since we came home from Elmira we have had visitors in Moncure Conway and his daughter [.] much interesting talk then about Mr & Mrs Carlyle. Mrs Wheeler & Miss Dora Wheeler the artist have been with us for a few days. A Mr & Mrs Daggett, he was a friend of Mr Clemens were with us for twenty four hours. Mr John Russel Young we gave a little dinner to. Cousin Earrin Lewis was here for a few days, so have not been quite alone. Clara Spaulding came home with us and staid two weeks. [MTP; Salsbury 213].

Twichell also noted the gathering:

H[armony] and I dined at M.T’s with a company of our friends invited to meet Jefferson the actor…..He is very simple and quiet in manner and talked agreeably. H. and several of the children went down to the Opera House to see him act “Rip Van Winkle” in the evening [Yale, copy at MTP].

Ross R. Winans wrote in answer to Sam’s of Nov. 25. He wouldn’t be in NY next week but would see him if he came to Baltimore and suggested Dec. 1 for luncheon [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.