September 24, 1889 Tuesday

September 24 Tuesday – Sam’s notebook:

At 12.15, Sept. 24, a man went along my sidewalk on a low bicycle; Jo Lane & Hough were in a buggy; I stopped them & pointed the man out, who was not on the sidewalk beyond the bridge, & asked them to get his name, so I could report him to the police [3: 522]. Note: Hartford grocer Joseph G. Lane and broker Niles P. Hough, also a resident of Farmington Ave.

Also in Sam’s notebook: [chk#] 4411 Patrick (ponies) [Sept] 24 65. / [chk#] 4413, Miller (wood) Sept 24 — $107.50 [3: 492].

Robert Underwood Johnson for Century Magazine wrote to Sam that the “boy” from the syndicate lied twice about them urging an excerpt of CY being given. “Don’t be afraid of our giving you away except over your own seal and superscription” [MTP].

George Omsted wrote asking Sam for his portrait to include in a London illustrated article; also desired, a list of items Sam might want mentioned about his new book; and a picture of Sam’s Hartford house (TR Unknown to Olmstead Oct. 1 encl.) [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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