September 30, 1889 Monday

September 30 MondayWilliam Ernest Henley (1849-1903) inscribed his A Book of Verses to Sam:

To Samuel L. Clemens, in admiration of his happy gift of making his fellow creatures happy. From W.E.H. Glasgow, Sept. 30, ’89 [Gribben 308]. Note: See W.C. Angus’ letter below; he sent Henley’s book which Henley inscribed.

Charles Ethan Davis wrote another cryptic postcard of typsetter tests to Sam: “Sept 30 4.18 R. = 2325 J.” and “Sept. 30 3. R = 792. M.C N. J. / Davis” Below this he wrote 3 lines for M.C N with a note to the right, “First time he even saw…Mch or keyb” [MTP]. Note: apprentices, “F,” “J,” and “McN” were likely Fred Whitmore, H. McNeilly (see Oct.1), and possibly Martin J. Slattery for “J”, otherwise unknown.

W.C. (William Craibe) Angus (1830-1899) wrote from Glasgow, Scotland to Sam:

I have sent you the 3 books mentioned in my last letter [not extant]. Be pleased to accept Henley’s verses, as a small token of my admiration of your gifts. I also send 1 Burns, and I Burnsiana book, and shall be obliged by your writing your name on the title page, opposite the portraits, of each book [Note: Sam wrote on the envelope, “I must write in 2 of these books & keep the third”] [MTP]. Note: the third being William Ernest Henley’s A Book of Verses; See above entry on Henley

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.