September 22, 1889 Sunday

September 22 Sunday – In Hartford Sam responded to Howells’ Sept. 19 letter about reading proofs of CY, as well as a follow up written that day or by Sept. 21 (now lost) which approved of Sam’s remarks in the book about the French Revolution. Sam offered that few people would approve of their feelings on the event:

It is odd that even to this day Americans still observe that immortal benefaction through English & other monarchial eyes, & have no shred of an opinion about it that they didn’t get at second hand. Next to the 4th of July & its results, it was the noblest & the holiest thing & the most precious that ever happened in this earth. And its gracious work is not done yet — nor anywhere in the remote neighborhood of it.

Sam wrote that Howells’ reading of CY “gives peace to Mrs. Clemens’s soul,” and he was “as grateful as a body can be” He would publish on Dec. 10 (in the U.S.) Sam felt he had more to say about issues touched on in CY, but the book was finished.

Well, my book is written — let it go. But if it were only to write over again there wouldn’t be so many things left out. They burn in me; & they keep multiplying & multiplying; but now they can’t ever be said. And besides, they would require a library — & a pen warmed-up in hell. Ys. Ever / Mark [MTHL 2: 613].

Sam also wrote to E.W. Abell of Yale University, acknowledging receipt of “The book.” Sam said he’d been “hindered in one way or another” to write sooner [MTP]. Note: Abell is listed as a member of the Yale University Drum Corps and in the class of ‘91 [Yale Banner vol. 47, 1888 p.221]. The book in question was William Makepeace Thackeray’s Marvels of the West (1888). See June 26 entry.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.