July 7, 1906 Saturday

July 7 Saturday – N.Y.C.: Sam was spending his days in Rogers’ Standard Oil office or the lawyer’s office, and his nights aboard the Kanawha, which they anchored “about ten miles” out [July 10 to Jean]. Note: Harper’s lawyer and Sam’s lawyer Edward Lauterbach were negotiating to settle the dispute about the “unauthorized” Library of Humor reissue. See July 10 to Lyon.

Isabel Lyon’s journal (Dublin, N.H.): “When we were young what a fine wit we had for writing down our doings & finding them important. Now that we are grown older, we do not put them donw on paper for we know of how little importance they are & life holds a deeper menaing for us in the doings of other people” [MTP TS 93-94].

Calvin H. Higbie wrote from Greenville, Calif. to Sam. The sole typist there promised to type and send his MS sometime the following week. Sam was free to edit it any way he chose [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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