July 24, 1906 Tuesday

July 24 Tuesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal (Dublin, N.H.): “Today we read Orion letters down under the apple tree in the field. It was very sweet down there. The Orion letters are monotonous—but they are not either [MTP TS 100].

 Major Leigh of Harper & Brothers wrote to Sam. “Colonel Harvey turned over to me the matter of the proposed contents for the new volume of the Hillcrest and Trade book, and, as I understand it, the contents proposed for the Hillcrest volume is O.K.” Leigh then listed ten articles to be in the new volume [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter: “To Col.Harvey / Mr. Clemens agrees with Maj. Leighthat there is nothing to object to in his proposal as in his letter of July 24.” Frederick T. Leigh, treasurer of Harpers.

Samuel Merwin, assoc. editor of Success Magazine, NYC wrote to Sam explaining the idea of a “People’s Lobby” to guard against harmful legislation by special interests from Congress [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the letter: “I am in cordial sympathy with the movement & am as glad to be cordially willing to have my name used. If I were younger, I would take part in the work, but my active days are gone by & I shall never again do anything more than look on & rejoice while others perform the labor. Sincerely…”

A.L. Steers for Aeolian Co. wrote to Sam. “We wrote you a letter on the 17th inst., inanswer to yours of the 14th, and not having heard from you we are under the impression that the letter was sent to Dublin, Vt. Instead of Dublin, N.H. as on our duplicate we have Dublin, Vt.” [MTP]. Note: See the July 17 letter that went astray.


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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