February 9, 1907 Saturday

February 9 Saturday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “King dines at Norman Hapgood’s” [MTP TS 27]

Actors’ Fund wrote to Sam [MTP]. Note: On or after this day Sam replied to Daniel Frohman.

Dear Frohman:—Why certainly, use my name and use it freely. Use it in any way you can think of that can help to raise money for that Fund which not right feeling and grateful human being can even hear named without a leaping of the pulses and a warming of the heart.—Forget it if you want to. Yours ever, Mark Twain [MTP: Charles Agvent catalog, No. 4, Item 188].

Herman Spencer’s article, “Mark Twain and the Cat,” ran in Harper’s Weekly, p. 194. Tenney: “A general discussion of the pervasive reference to cats in MT’s works” [Tenney: “A Reference Guide Third Annual Supplement,” American Literary Realism, Autumn 1979 p. 192].

Nikolai V. Chaikovsky wrote from NYC to Sam. “My American Executive Committee suggests that I should induce you to preside over the public meeting in the interest of the Russian Revolution, to be held at Carnegie Hall on the 19th inst. evening, on the occasion of welcoming to this country Mr. A. Aladin, the peasant ex-member of the late State Duma, who is coming here to work with me in the same interest” [MTP].

Emma W. Durkee wrote from NYC to advise Sam he had been elected as “permanent guest” of the Smith College Club, and to invite him to their annual luncheon at the Hotel Astor, Feb. 23 at 1 p.m. [MTP].

Norman Fraser of Pearson’s Weekly wrote from London, England to Sam. “You are, I believe, of opinion that the United States will eventually become a monarchy. Would you care to write a short article—of about 1200 words—on this subject for Pearson’s Weekly, & if so what would be your fee?” [MTP].

Charles J. Langdon wrote to enclose a draft for $44.33 to Sam, his 1/3 share of rent “for the premises at the foot of Genesee St. in Buffalo to March 1 , 1907” [MTP].

Joseph F. Taylor of J.F. Taylor & Co., Publishers & Importers wrote to Sam. “Mr. Paine very kindly gave me your portraits and autographs. I am indeed glad to possess these and assure you I appreciate them highly. I hope soon to hve the pleasure of meeting you…”  [MTP]. Note: Lyon wrote on the letter: “This is the rubber man”


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.