February 27, 1907 Wednesday

February 27 Wednesday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: “Drake sale—Tuxedo” [MTP TS 32].

Emil Leopold Boas of the Hamburg-American Line wrote to Sam. “It is too bad. Can you not shirk your duty for once? It would give me great pleasure to have you as one of our guests on one of those trips. / With kind regards…” [MTP]. Note: Sam replied Feb. 28.

Arthur E. Bullard for Friends of Russian Freedom wrote to Sam enclosing a revised copy of the petition Sam had agreed to [MTP].

Sheppard Friedman for the NY Evening Journal wrote to Sam. “I thought it might be of interest to you to know that you are not the only ‘Mark Twain.’ There is another.” He referred to a Mexican mine by that name he’d invested in. “The particular claim…is said to be rich in gold, copper and silver as the original of its name is in wit, humor and pathos….You may not consider this high-handed procedure fair to you. Any way, ‘it suits Tom Sawyer.’ Will you let us know if it suits you?” [MTP].

William Dean Howells wrote to Sam.

I have been trying, all through my fortnight of grippe, to give my friend Mr. Fowler an introduction to you. He wants to paint your portrait and though he cannot hope, on account of the subject, to make as good a picture from you as he made from me, he will make one of the best possible. He is a good painter and a good fellow. Yours ever … [MTHL 2: 823].

George E. Sullivan for the Carroll Institute, Wash. D.C. wrote to Sam asking to borrow the MS for a stage production of “Colonel Sellers” [MTP]. Note: Sam had previously written that no MS existed that he knew of.

In Sam’s A.D. he quoted several Sun articles about William Whitely [Gribben 505].  


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.