October 18, 1907 Friday

October 18 Friday – Joseph B. Gilder for Putnam’s Monthly wrote to again request Sam allow their sketch artist to draw Sam for the magazine; they’d done Choate and Howells; the artist didn’t require Clemens to sit but could walk around the room [MTP].

Katharine I. Harrison wrote to Lyon reminding of Sam’s promise to give her a photo of himself in his white suit. “He was in the office yesterday and told me if you could remind him of it, it would be attended to.” She was also “anxious” to have the newest volumes of the De Luxe ed. In Buckram—would she kindly send her name to Harpers for it? [MTP].

In Sam’s A.D. he quoted from “this morning’s news” in the NY World [Gribben 507].  

Of the selections from Twain’s A.D.’s, DeVoto selected about half of the materials not chosen before by Paine to be included in Mark Twain in Eruption (1940); among DeVoto’s choices, was “The Hunting of the Cow,” dictated this day, told of “Two colossal incidents” of the day before, the opening of business by the Marconi Co. with wireless messages [radio] sent “entirely across the Atlantic, straight from shore to shore”; and “the President of the United States for the fourteenth time came within three miles of flushing a bear” [7].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.