December 11-24, 1907 Tuesday

December 11-24 Tuesday – Sometime during this period at 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y., Sam wrote to Ignace J. Paderewski (Ignacy Jan Paderewski; 1860-1941), Polish pianist and composer, later Prime Minister of Poland.

My excuse for asking you to come down here to my house for an informal luncheon on Friday at one o’clock, is that I shall have here Mr. Howells, dean of American Literature; Col. Harvey, Editor of Magazines & head of the great Harper corporation; Mr. Robert Porter, chief representative of the London Times in America; M . Augustus Thomas, the play-wright; Mr. Martin Littleton a distinguished member of the bar, and Albert Bigelow Paine, my biographer. You may enjoy meeting these men, & of course I know it will give them great pleasure to meet you,

With my best respects to Madame Paderewski, I am Sincerely Yours

P. S. Don’t trouble to write, but use the telephone: 3907 Gramercy. It is not in the book [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.