December 28, 1907 Saturday

December 28 Saturday – In his Dec. 29 to Nunnally, Sam wrote: “Yesterday I went with 70 other slaves of Harper & Brothers to Lakewood to lunch Mr. Howells out of the country & give him God-speed. The distance was greater than I was expecting it would be.” On Dec. 21 he had written to daughter Jean: “The Howellses sail for Europe Jan. 4; on the 2d all the Harper staff, to the number of 60, go down to Lakeville by special train & give him a send-off. Miss Lyon & Mr. Paine are included, by my desire, upon the argument that they are my aides & guards, & also upon the argument that they are co-biographers with me.”

Evidently the date for the Harper staff and friends to see William Dean Howells off had been moved up to Dec. 28, and Sam was correct in his first letter above, it was Lakewood, N.J., not Lakeville. Interestingly, MTHL p.828 also gives Jan. 2, 1908 for a luncheon.  The New York Times, Dec. 29, p.9, reports a dinner speech Sam made on Dec. 28 as a farewell  honor. Fatout does not report this speech.  



Mark Twain Makes a Speech for the Guest of Honor.

Special to the New York Times.

LAKEWOOD, N. J., Dec. 28.—A brilliant gathering made up of representatives of the various Harper publications and their most prominent literary contributors, attended a dinner given to- day at the Laurel House by Col. George Harvey in honor of W. D. Howells, who will soon sail for Europe. Among the seventy guests present were “Mark Twain,” Henry M. Alden, David Munro, Albert Bigelow Paine, Van Tassel Sutphen, and Dennis O’Sullivan, well known as a singer in London opera.

After dinner Col. Harvey called on Mr. Howells, who said that as he and Mr. Clemens had long ago made a pact that if he would write Mr. Clemens’s books, Mr. Clemens would make his speeches, he would leave him to make the speech now if Mr. Clemens thought he could remember it.

Mr. Clemens rose to the occasion, and kept the room in a gale of laughter for some time, revealing the details of his literary collaboration with Mr. Howells for some years. He said the Mr. Howells had started by expurgating his books for him till he had attained his present reputation, and that had Mr. Howells continued the process he had no doubt it would have brought to him a reputation for literary purity such as had never been before known, but unfortunately Mr. Howells was not content with merely expurgating Mr. Clemens’s books, he soon began to interline.

And then,” concluded Mr. Clemens, “I released him from the contract and have edited my own books ever since.”

Note: the luncheon at Lakewood, N.J. resulted in a short article with a full page photograph in Harper’s Weekly for Jan. 18, 1908. See entry.

Julia Barnett Rice for the Society of Suppression of Noise wrote to thank Sam for his “kind lines of encouragement” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.