April 16, 1908 Thursday

April 16 Thursday – At 21 Fifth Ave, N.Y. Sam wrote to Dorothy Quick in Plainfield, N.J. Thursday night.

Friday—Saturday—Sunday—Monday—then you are here! Monday afternoon. About half-past 2, I suppose. Well, I shall be on the lookout, & powerful glad to see you. Shan’t we have good times? I do most confidently guess so.

In Bermuda I bought a trinket for your Christmas. But I can’t keep it that long, I’ll give it to you now.

That reminds me that you are a member of my Aquarium Club, which consists of a few very choice school-girl angel-fishes & one slave. I am the slave.

I think you have the badge. But if you haven’t, I’ll get it for you.

Do remember me kindly to your mother & all the household,—& don’t forget that I love you, you dear little rascal [MTP].

Dorothy Quick wrote to Sam.

Dear Mr Clemens / I am very glad you are home and I am so glad I am to see you on Monday I will not be able to come Monday morning but will come on the one-nine train I will be so glad to see you  I am sorry not being able to be with you on Saturday but I really want to be with Grandpa and now I must close.

With love to you and Miss Lyon / your loving / Dorothy

P.S. Grandpa is goint away that is why I must be with him on Sunday / Dorothy [MTP]. Note: this letter was included in Sam’s Apr. 17 A.D.

Sam’s A.D. for this day continued to describe the Bermuda trips and give Angel fish accounts [Hill 209].  

Isabel Lyon’s journal: “All day in Redding” [MTP: IVL TS 46].

The New York Times, p. 3, announced that Mark Twain would speak for the Children’s Educational Theatre on April 23, under the auspices of the NYC History Club.


Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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