April 30, 1908 Thursday

April 30 Thursday –  Frances Nunnally wrote from Baltimore to Sam.

While I was at home for my holidays, I started several times to write to you, but something always interrupted me, so I am going to try to write now. I had such a good time at home, that it was awfully hard when I had to come back to school. There is just six weeks to this term, though, and I think it will pass very quickly. When I come up to New York about the first or middle of June, I hope very much I can see you. Margaret Disosway told me when she came back to school  that Mrs. Quick had taken her to call on you while she was in New York, and I surely wish I had been there.

I think we will sail for England on the “Minneapolis” on the sixth of June, but there may be some trouble about my leaving school before it is over. We have gotten our passage for that date and I don’t know what we will do if they will not let me leave school early. They have always been very strict about that sort of thing here, thought. Perhaps we can get passage on a later boat.

      I want this letter to go off on the afternoon mail so I will stop. / With love, / Francesca  [MTAq 148-9].

Isabel Lyon’s journal:  “I went to Redding this afternoon, and after a drive of 4 miles in a driving rain (open carriage—no top) Lounsbury’s wife welcomed us, and I went early to bed” [MTP: IVL TS 50]. [MTP].  

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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