October 11, 1908 Sunday

October 11 Sunday – Cunard line Commodore Daniel Dow ended his weekend stay at Stormfield. Sam returned his coat and cap worn in the insert photo, likely taken this very day (see Oct. 12 to Nunnally).

Sam’s original guestbook lists Elizabeth G. Guillaume and Jules A. Guillaume, New York [Mac Donnell TS 5].

Isabel Lyon’s journal: The question of servants is certainly solving itself for the present, for this morning a young relative of Harry Iles’s, a nice girl of 17 or so, came to help Teresa in the upstairs work. Elizabeth Dick is her name. So now we have 2 Italians, and 2 natives, and the washing is to be sent to the laundry in Bethel on trial.

It’s been a gay day. Captain Dow is a charmer. He played billiards with the King; and then off we went in the rumble, he and Will and I, in the wake of Santa who went spinning along these sweet country roads on Senciramide. Her legs flew out exactly like the legs of a fox terrier.

Santa rides her beautifully. Then we made photographs—one of them of Captain Dow standing on his head [MTP: IVL TS 70-71].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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