November 16, 1879 Sunday 

November 16 Sunday – Orion and Mollie Clemens wrote to Sam and Livy, Orion stories enclosed.

“Every where one goes in the cars, street cars and on the street in the amateur theatrical plays—we hear ‘As Mark Twain says.’ / I was in St Louis three weeks saw a good many of Sam’s old acquaintances, and friends. Zeb Leavenworth and John are dead—their mother has lost her mind and is a miserable looking old creature. Essie Pepper is the widow Goodwin, lives at home. Ellis Pepper is married had one remarkably fine boy that walked at eight months of age, talked plain & had all his teeth—but died at 17 months of age.” Other Peppers were mentioned as well as other folks, who all asked about Sam [MTP].

Eben Pearson Door wrote from Buffalo, NY:

Dear Mr Clemens I have been waiting for you to come home from Europe to write to you for your autograph I am ten years old I have a Colection of stones shells and autographs and I would like yours very much I have just been looking at one of your books I think the pictures are very funny My Grandpa just came home from California and brought me some more Curiosities one of them is a square piece of white stone with a fish petrified on it. and he brought me a lump of salt from the mines I have just got over the measeals I have not been to school for nine days. / PLEASE WRITE SOON / Eben P. Door / 314 Niagara Street / Buffalo New York [MTP]. Note: Eban was from a distinguished New England family, his grandfather was Captain Ebenezer Pearson Dorr (1817-1881), Great Lakes captain and insurance magnate. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “A boy’s letter”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.