November 23, 1879 Sunday

November 23 Sunday  Sam wrote from Hartford to HowellsA Tramp Abroad was:

“…really finished at last—every care is off my mind, everything is out of my way—so I have accepted the invitation to be at the Holmes breakfast” (Oliver Wendell Holmes’ 70th birthday celebration).

Sam asked if he might come and stay on Dec. 2 at Howells’ home for the Dec. 3 breakfast for Holmes [MTLE 4: 157].

Orion and Mollie Clemens began a letter to Sam and Livy, Orion stories enclosed. “I am greatly obliged to you for the 3 volumes of “The Bible for Learners,” which came yesterday…I have read over 40 pages of the first volume consecutively, and glanced over other parts. It is going to be of inestimable value to me, if there is any value in my work” [MTP]. Mollie added to the letter, to Livy, on Nov. 24.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.