February 24, 1881 Thursday

February 24 Thursday – Sam gave a dinner speech at the Papyrus Club Dinner, Revere House, Boston, for the annual “Ladies’ Day” [Fatout, MT Speaking 148-50]. The speech was a funny account about no vacancies on a sleeping-car. Sam was given a sleeping car berth when a colored porter recognized him as a famous man. The only problem was, the porter thought Sam was “Jennul McClellan.”

Sam wrote from Boston to Dan Slote remarking on the beauty of a brass plate received, but asking about the colors. He confirmed he’d come to New York on Feb. 26 and again asked him to get reserved seats for the billiard match, if possible [MTP].

Karl Gerhardt wrote from Hartford to Sam & Livy. “Your kind invitation just recd. We are delighted in accepting, We shall have the statue completed Saturday night. Mr. Warner thought that we had better go to N.Y. Monday—our trunks are packed, and Sunday I hope will be a day of rest…[MTP]. Long file note under the TS identifies this as “probably” a dinner invite for Friday, 25 Feb. The life sized statue, called “Startled Bather” was modeled after his wife, nicknamed “Josie.” The well-endowed shape of Mrs. Gerhardt certainly startled Clemens.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.