August 26, 1881 Friday

August 26 Friday – Sam telegraphed from Boston to Charles Webster (“at residence of S.L. Clemens”), probably about the mason and plumber, William & Robert Garvie and James Ahern. Sam wrote on Aug. 12 about problems with the kitchen remodel.

“STOP THE NONSENSE SHORT OFF MAKE CONTRACTS OR TURN THEM OUT” [MTP]. Note: A contract with this date between Webster, Sam, and Ahern the plumber is on file at MTP, which would conclude that Webster did in fact “stop the “nonsense.”

Herbert M. Laurence wrote from Venice, Italy to Clemens. “Upon arriving here yesterday, I found your note of Aug. 2 awaiting me. As I hardly know what the character of your proposed work is it would be difficult for me to specially recommend any one” [MTP].

Joe Twichell wrote to Clemens that “Alex Holley is abroad” and “I don’t suppose you can wait to hear from him about the stock, if, indeed he could tell you under the circumstances.” More on the gloomy news from Wash. DC about Garfield, news that took two days to reach him [MTP]. NoteAlexander Lyman Holley (1832-1882) was the foremost steel engineer of his time.

Orion Clemens finished his Aug. 25 letter [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.