March 3, 1882 Friday

March 3 Friday – Sam was still typing letters. He typed one from Hartford to Andrew Chatto thanking him for requested English reviews of P&P. “They are surprisingly complimentary” [MTNJ 2: 449n41].

Sam also wrote a short note to John W. Sanborn, probably answering his Feb. 18 letter:

“I wish you had spoken a little sooner, because I am thinking of joining a church now, and I cannot seem to curse good any more. Sometimes I feel ashamed of my efforts, but if I do not join, or if after I do join, I manage to get my hand in again, I will give that Greek Adjective a cursing that will satisfy your heart” [MTP].

John W. Sanborn wrote to answer Sam’s of this day. Sanborn was glad Sam was “about to join the church…I am content, for I know the church will be greatly strengthened by your wholesome, smile-compelling presence” [MTP; Distinguished Authors Whom I Have Known, etc., p. 12].

Orion Clemens wrote: “All right. You are a splendid brother. I shall not worry another dogoned bit.” He was glad Ma would visit Sam and hoped Sam might “drop something into Ma’s ear that will have a soothing tendency. She is worrying over a suspicion that I have lost my situation at the printing office. I have neither confessed nor denied” [MTP].

Bissell & Co. Wrote advising of a credit of $5,150 rec’d in Sam’s of Mar. 2. Also in pencil, advice about buying the “Paris stock” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.