March 10, 1882 Friday

March 10 Friday – At noon, Sam saw Ulysses S. Grant at 2 Wall Street in New York, hoping to prevent President Arthur from replacing William Dean Howells’ father, William Cooper Howells as U.S. consul at Toronto. Shortly after this day, Grant assured Sam that Howells would keep the post [MTNJ 2: 450n47].

Sam also wrote other appointments for the day in his notebook: 10 A.M. for David Maitland Armstrong, who specialized in designing and making stained glass windows. Armstrong had a studio in the City; 9:30 AM Richard Watson Gilder, editor-in-chief of the Century; 1 PM – Russell Sage and Dean Sage (Russell was a “Multi-millionaire Wall Street speculator, distantly related to the much younger Dean Sage”). During the year Dean Sage acted as Sam’s broker in New York City. Sam also noted to telephone Bissell and buy $5,000 stock in American Bank Note Co. [MTNJ 2: 451].

The one errand Sam failed to do for Livy was to call on Charles and Annie Webster, who were hosting Jane Clemens and Pamela Moffett, to determine what day the two ladies planned to arrive in Hartford. Sam and Howells did call on the Websters and his family but failed to ask the needed question [MTHL 1: 393].

An unidentified person wrote a fan letter to Sam, the signature torn off at the bottom

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.