March 2, 1882 Thursday

March 2 Thursday – From Hartford, Sam typed a letter to Charles Webster that he’d asked Hamersley the night before “if the $25000.00 had been raised” for the Paige typesetter investment; Hamersley answered that it had and that “the work perfecting the machine was proceeding.” Sam also mentioned that he’d seen the man “half a dozen times within the last month” and “never exchanged a word about that matter….” He added that he didn’t want to buy any more stock from the Howard brothers (the watch maker stock) [MTP].

Tiffany & Co., New York,  billed $37.20 for Feb. 12 purchase, “16 plates; 2 boxes cards”, paid Mar. 16 [MTP]. Note: this purchase is two days before Sam and Livy traveled to New York, and on the same day Sam wrote Edward House, “I’ve got to go to New York for a day, pretty soon.” The purchase may have been ordered by Webster or by letter/telegram.

Richard Watson Gilder (1844-1909) wrote to ask Sam if he would “reel something off—no matter how short” for the Century on their crusade for copyright [MTP].

Howells wrote from Boston to Sam that Osgood had sent Sam’s telegram and replied “I expect to be down on you by the train leaving here at 4 Saturday afternoon” [MTHL 1: 392].

E.S. Nadal wrote on Century Club, NYC notepaper to thank “for the trouble you have taken about my matter. Your letter when read aloud at dinner was greatly enjoyed” [MTP]. Note: Sam to Nadal not extant.

James Van Vorden wrote from NYC asking Sam to autograph enclosed cards for their charity fair [MTP].

Dean Sage wrote urging Sam to come to some banquet, and talking about stocks—he thought Wabash now at 34 would go to 50 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.