September 21, 1882 Thursday

September 21 Thursday – Sam telegraphed from Elmira to Charles Webster that he’d received his letter, the result was “convincing” and to “Do with that stuff as your Judgement directs” [MTP].

Sam left Elmira and traveled to Hartford, only to leave again the next night. The cause of his trip may have been the distress his dog, Rab, was causing, or some other needed preparations for the family’s fall return to Hartford (see Sept. 22).

Horace E. Bixby wrote from the steamer City of Baton Rouge in St. Louis to thank Sam for the photos, especially that of the “good looking Children.” He hoped Sam’s trip there had been everything he’d hoped, and now that he had a good home in St. Louis would entertain if Sam ever returned. All those who were injured on the Gold Dust explosion were now doing well, Lem Gray the only fatality [MTP].

James R. Osgood wrote (Chatto & Windus to Osgood Aug. 31 enclosed), “back in good health” [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Osgood, enclosing contract from Chatto & Windus—Mississippi Rv. Also menu of dinner given to Howells in London 1882”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.