September 22, 1882 Friday

September 22 Friday – Sam wrote from Hartford to Charles S. Fairchild.

Arrived last night, & shall leave again to-day to bring the family home next week.

Alas! Rab [his dog] has acquired an evil reputation already. He takes position on the lawn & thence darts forth & greets every horse & wagon & street car that goes along—three hundred of ‘em a day—always in the friendliest spirit, of course, but he has caused a couple of runaways & come near causing many more; & he can’t be persuaded to leave off his diversion [MTP].

Fairchild had offered to take the dog back so Sam asked him to notify Patrick McAleer to have the dog shipped. Sam ended the letter by saying he was just starting for the train. He returned to Elmira.

James R. Osgood wrote: “After posting my letter yesterday I received yours of 18th. I am distressed to learn of your malarial attack, the more so as people have told me that is a beastly thing…. Now we must go to work at once on the prospectus-books.” He gave details of what he’d need, especially the title. He also advised “Sheldon & Co. are selling off at auction next Tuesday, Sep 26, their miscellaneous stereotype plates. Among them is one entitled / ‘Mark Twain: Autobiography & First Romance, Illustrated.’ Do you want to buy it in?” [MTP].

Charles Webster wrote six pages full of business details and processes [MTP]. Note: How did he have any time to actually run the business with these frequent long letters which allowed Clemens to micro-manage so much?

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.