September 26, 1882 Tuesday

September 26 Tuesday – Page Mercer Baker for New Orleans Times-Democrat wrote, sending the article that Sam had asked for in his Sept. 22 letter. He spoke of the “evening we spent at Johns—the good stories over the wine, the music (in which Cables thin but melodious tenor mingled sweetly with Burthes magnificent baritone)…etc.” [MTP]. Note: the evening was May 2; see entry.

John Brown wrote from St. Louis asking advise while writing his memoirs, and asking what kind of people the American Publishing Co. were [MTP].  Note: Not John Brown Jr. of Scotland.

George W. Cable wrote from NYC on Century notepaper, he’d be in NYC for 2 or 3 weeks. “I hope to run up & see you for a day if you will let me. May I? & when in October.” Cable’s wife had promised to send Sam “the picture of the old black nurse, which my sister did for you soon after you left us” [MTP].

Christian Tauchnitz, Jr. wrote that he’d read in the papers that Chatto was issuing a new book about the Mississippi and he’d requested proofs of it from Chatto for their Continental Edition [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.