October 17, 1882 Tuesday

October 17 Tuesday – In Vaud, Switzerland, Howells wrote to Sam:

“What you want to do is pack up your family, and come to Florence for the winter….We are having a good, dull, wholesome time in this little pension on the shore of Lake Leman, within gunshot of the Castle of Chillon; but a thousand jokes rot in my breast every day for want of companionship” [MTHL 1: 415].

R.O. Dienwis wrote a postcard from Kings Ferry, Fla., with a non-sensical message [MTP].

Dean Sage wrote from Albany, NY: “Again you are the victim of my stupidity” and explained his stop loss orders with Worden & Co. that he later canceled. “Worden understood it as he had a right to do, to cancel stop orders as well & so we are caught. The only thing to do now is to hang on till things come right again” [MTP].

Thomas Wallace Knox wrote on Lotos Club paper, congratulating Sam on his legal victory over Ogilvie and wishing he might win the Chicago suit “and all others of the same sort.” Knox grew tired over imitations of his own juvenile books [MTP]. Note: Knox wrote The Boy Travelers series; Gribben 386-7.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.