October 19, 1882 Thursday

October 19 Thursday – Sam gave a speech, titled “City of Hartford” for the Reception for Worcester Continentals at Allyn Hall, Hartford.

Mr. Commander and Ladies and Gentlemen: / His honor, the mayor, deputes me to speak for him in answer to the toast to the city of Hartford. He is in politics a delicate situation at all times,—(laughter)—where exceeding caution is necessary. I admire his prudence as much as I admire my own intrepidity, because, although he is not willing to answer for Hartford and to endorse it, I am. (Laughter.) I will back up Hartford in everything else if he will be responsible for the weather. (Great laughter). I am sorry that the mayor imported such detestable weather as this. I wish we had had clear weather, and hope your gentlemen of Worcester won’t go away without seeing our city. Now, as I am talking for Hartford, I will talk earnestly but modestly. There is much here to see—the state house, Colt’s factory and the place where the Charter Oak was. And we have an antiquity here—the East Hartford bridge. (Laughter.) [Hartford Courant, Oct. 20, 1882, p2, “The Visiting Soldiery”].

From Twichell’s journal: “Going to New Haven to attend a college corporation meeting I fell in the car with Mr. Cable” [Yale, copy at MTP]. Note: This suggests that George W. Cable visit with the Clemenses from Oct. 16, ended Oct. 19.

Marie A. Brown wrote from Stockholm, Sweden, thinking that since he was so popular in Sweden that his scrap book should be sold there as well [MTP]. Note: Sam wrote on the env., “Wants to introduce scrap-book in Sweden"

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.