October 30, 1882 Monday

October 30 Monday – In Hartford Sam typed a one-liner to Charles Webster. “Dear Charlie, Give the man the papers he wants, or kill him, I don’t care which” [MTBus 204].

Orion Clemens wrote from Keokuk.

My Dear Brother: / The $150 came from Perkin’s to-day.

      I moved into my office to-day. Been with Marshall some weeks. Didn’t have fires; caught cold; couldn’t study; they talked too much.

      Wrote this morning to electric light men. If you want to invest I will manage the investment and charge you nothing. In a district a mile square on the western border of the city oil lamps reign, at an expense of $1200 a year to the city. Can a Company light that district with electricity for the same amount and make money? If so, give me facts to show to persons I may solicit to subscribe for stock. Thus I wrote to them. If the answer is favorable I will send it to you, before asking any person here to take stock, thinking you might want to take it all yourself. The city now pays $4000 to the gas company for lighting the balance of the city—contract out June 1886. The beginners now will learn experience, and have a chance at enlargement then. / Your Brother [MTP].

Robert D. Brain wrote from Springfield, Ohio to thank Sam for his letter of Aug. 29 (not extant) [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.