August 10, 1884 Sunday 

August 10 Sunday – In Boston, Howells wrote to Sam:

If I had written half as good a book as Huck Finn, I shouldn’t ask anything better than to read the proofs; even as it is I don’t. So send them on; they will always find me somewhere. I’m here in town for the present; but I’m going to Kennebunkport where the family are on Tuesday, and then to Campobello, N.B. Back to Boston the last of the month. / I see the circus has been finally reduced to Cable and you. That is right. The public wants to hear both of you; but I should have been a drag [MTHL 2: 499].

The New York Times ran a short paragraph at the end of “The Theatrical World,” p.3:

An engagement in New York has been arranged for Mr. Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) and Mr. George Cable, who will give combination entertainments next season. Mr. Cable and Mr. Clemens will read from their own works, and Mr. Cable will sing Creole songs. For the relief of many anxious inquirers it may be stated that neither of the gentlemen will dance, although the advantages of winding up the show with a walk-around and break-down have been repeatedly suggested to them.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.