November 13, 1887 Sunday

November 13 Sunday – Sam wrote to Webster & Co. (again, addressing the letter to “Dear CLW &Co” as he did during this period.) Addressing to the company may have reflected the fact that Charles Webster was often not at the office; if he’d addressed to Frederick J. Hall only, Webster may have taken umbrage.

Sam wanted several books in the works to have headings and sections in the office “Memorandum Book for Constant Reference.” Sam’s list included Webster’s pet project, The Library of American Literature. Also, Mark Twain’s Library of Humor, “Cox’s book” (Samuel S. Cox’s Diversions of a Diplomat in Turkey), “Custer’s Book,” (Elizabeth Custer’s, Tenting on the Plains), “The Cook Book,” (A. Filippini’s, The Table).

Sam was particularly concerned about taking out Canadian copyright on Filippini’s cook book, and while doing so to also take out English copyright and sending Chatto & Windus a set of illustrations [MTLTP 239].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.   

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