Submitted by scott on

November 29 Tuesday – Sam had that unspecified “morning business” meeting in Hartford he wrote about to Fairbanks on Nov. 25.

In the evening the Clemenses gave a dinner party of Senator and Mrs. Joseph Hawley. The guests included the George Warners, Mrs. Charles Dudley Warner (Susan), Koto House, Mary Barton, Ward Foote and Joe Twichell [MTNJ 3: 353&n171].

Orion and Mollie Clemens began a letter to Sam and Oliviawhich they completed Nov. 30. Congratulations on Sam’s 52nd birthday. Monthly check of $155 received. No hickory nuts this year. Ma was better. [MTP].

Harry Plympton wrote to Sam about the footnote at the end of Ch. 20 of RI — “but what does the thirteenth chapter of Daniel say?” –Harry reported there was no such chapter in Daniel . One of Harry’s friends said it was Sam’s way of making the reader search the Scriptures. On the envelope Sam wrote, “Brer W. say to him ‘Your friend’s solution is correct’” [MTP].

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Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.