February 2, 1889 Saturday

February 2 Saturday – Sam gave a speech at Prof. William D. Cabell’s residence on Mass. Ave., Washington, D.C. for the Norwood Ladies’ Literary Association. This was reprinted by Louis J. Budd in “A Rediscovered Mark Twain Speech: New Laws and Old Yarns,” Essays in Arts and Sciences 23 (Oct. 1994): 59-66, and is also contained in a Washington Post article for Feb. 4, 1889, p.2, “‘Mark Twain’s’ Speech.”

For this day, The Washington Post, p.1, ran “Mark Twain in the City”:

Mr. S.L. Clemens (“Mark Twain”) is in town and will remain for a few days. He is to take part in the Norwood Literary Society’s entertainment at Mrs. Cabell’s this evening, in which Dr. Edward Eggleston and others are to participate. Col. Richard Malcom Johnston, the author of the well-known Georgia stories, will also be present.

Webster & Co. wrote to Sam with three financial reports — a Daily Report from the Subscription Dept for last week’s work, the same for the Book-keeping Dept., and “Books Sent out in Jan.” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.