February 24, 1889 Sunday

February 24 Sunday – In Hartford Sam responded to Feb. 18 & 19 letters from Thomas W. Knox, saying that if the office of Building Inspector for Hartford was offered it would be the only office he would take, but,

…not any other office that is namable, not even a kingship…I do thank you, each and every one, but I couldn’t dream of accepting, old friend [MTP].

Sam notified Dana Estes of the International Copyright Assoc. that he would speak at the Mar. 7 Authors’ Readings in Boston if he were given second or third spot on the speakers list [MTNJ 3: 452n153].

G.W. Lynch, an advisor to Elsie Leslie’s mother, wrote to Sam asking if he’d sold the rights to P&P or would he sell the rights for a play with the child actress, Elsie Leslie. He’d been requested by Mrs. Leslie to ask and approached by “a local manager” who wanted the mother to sign an agreement for her daughter in a play for the next season. Lynch added,

I would like Elsie to have an interest or own the next play herself as she [is] getting very little out of Lord Fauntleroy and is drawing packed houses to the theatre [MTNJ 3: 454n156].

NoteAbby Sage Richardson was expressing difficulties in meeting the terms of her Jan. 3, 1889 contract with Sam. Daniel Frohman was managing the production. Sam summarized the conditions of their contract in his notebook [3: 453], the first of which was to secure Elsie Leslie in the dual lead roles. His notes following the summary show he would give Richardson until Mar. 10 to complete the conditions.

Mollie Clemens wrote to Sam and Livy all about Ma, and of Orion’s toothache, [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.