February 23, 1889 Saturday

February 23 Saturday – Dana Estes, acting as secretary for the International Copyright Association, Boston, wrote Sam urging him to appear at the Mar. 7 benefit at the Boston Museum for the copyright cause. Estes declared, “your co-operation is deemed absolutely essential to the success of the Reading” [MTP].

Carrie A. Cooke wrote from Hunnewell’s Point, Maine to Sam, thanking him for a book just received and hoping he might “have some copying that you want done…in return for this pleasure” [MTP].

H.R. Hayden in behalf of the Raymond Library Co. of E. Hartford wrote on Underwriter Printing letterhead to Sam, inviting him to attend with Mr. Warner, a dinner on Mar. 4 or 5. Hayden was the trustee of John T. Raymond’s will. Sam wrote “Answered” on the envelope [MTP].

Lewis P. Ward, an old roommate of Sam’s, wrote from S.F. on Olympic Club letterhead to Sam

Yours of November last came to hand in due course of time, and you cannot appreciate the amount of satisfaction and pleasure it gave me until you read my story… [After being told by a friend that Sam] has achieved wealth and greatness and it has made him dignified and cold [Ward pointed out that Sam’s] kind letter dispelled all thoughts of the kind and proved to me that you were the same whole-souled, good fellow that you were when I last saw you 24 years ago. …. / Of course you read all about Townsend in the Union Printer. Steve is still in Nevada. Jim Gillis was here a few days ago, and he is looking better than ever [MTP]. Sam wrote on the envelope, “From ‘Little Ward’ / Answered”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.