February 12, 1889 Tuesday 

February 12 Tuesday – Sam’s notebook: Take the limited Tuesday a.m. at 9.50 arrive at Albany 1.10 p.m. [MTNJ 3: 448].

Kittridge Wheeler for South Baptist Church wrote Sam, thanking him for his Feb. 9 reading, and helping “The People’s Lecture Course, with your name, your presence, your influence, your popularity, and your reading…. Your name gave us a prestige — a place to begin and something to begin with” [MTNJ 3: 445n126].

Alexander P. Browne wrote to Sam asking him to take part in an authors’ reading in Boston,

…for the benefit of the copyright cause. Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes and other people prominent in literature have agreed to take part in the reading. The date is still left open in the hope that you will not only agree to come, but will let me know what date you would prefer. It might well be the 1st day of March, being the day following your engagement at Tremont Temple [MTNJ 3: 450n148].

Richard Malcolm Johnston wrote to Sam: “I was mightily pleased in getting your good letter along with the photographs. So were my wife and daughters.” He thanked Sam for the invite to visit [MTP].

P.J. Thiehoff, Dry Goods Dealer in Hunnewell, Mo. wrote to Sam, who wrote on the envelope, “Orion pay this” (envelope only survives) [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.