February 1, 1889 Friday

February 1 Friday – Sam’s notebook carries a list of names indicating the order in which he planned visits before leaving Washington. Some have addresses (not included below). They are:

Mrs. President Cleveland; Gen. Joseph R. Hawley; Mrs. Ralph Cross Johnson; Mrs. Secretary Whitney; William D. Cabell Sat. Eve. 8.30. 9; Mrs. Hitt ; Mrs George Hearst; Mrs. John Hay; John Hay; Mr. S.G. Ward & Miss Howard; Z.C. Robbins [MTNJ 3: 447].

Dean Sage wrote inviting Sam and Livy for a visit in Albany, N.Y. and telling of an “Electro-matrix type machine” that was being exhibited there. Sage wrote it was thought that the device would win out over

…all other machines — sure. You probably know all about it, its advantages & defects, & I write this merely to let you know, in the remote case of your not already knowing, that there is a possible rival in the field [MTNJ 3: 448n136]. Note: Sam and Livy did make a quick trip to Albany, leaving on Feb. 11.

William Collins Whitney sent Sam an engraved invitation for Friday evening, Feb. 1 from 9 p.m. to 12 [MTP]. Whitney was Sec. Of Navy in Cleveland’s first administration, 1885-9.

Robert Grant for Int’l Copyright Assoc. wrote inviting Sam to read from his writings in Boston some afternoon during the first fortnight in Feb. — a list of other luminaries had been invited [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.