February 26, 1889 Tuesday

February 26 Tuesday – After Edward H. House objected to P&P being dramatized by Abby Sage Richardson, Sam wrote him:

I gather the idea from your letter that you would have undertaken the dramatization of that book. Well, that would have been joyful news to me about the middle of December, when I gladly took the first offer that came and made a contract. I remembered that you started once to map out the framework for me to fill in, and I suggested to this lady that possibly you would collaborate with her, but she thought she could do the work alone. However, I never thought of such a thing as your being willing to undertake the dramatization itself — I mean the whole thing. I will look in when I come down [Fatout, “MT Litigant” 36-7] Note: House had been a near-invalid. The case would play out in the courts and also in the newspapers.

Elizabeth Keene Boyesen again pressed the matter of Sam coming for dinner:

Will you give us the pleasure of your company at dinner Thursday March 14th at half after seven o’clock? Howells and a few other congenial spirits will also be with us [MTP]

Orion Clemens wrote to Sam: “The news from the machine is magnificent…it will bring the Tribune and Herald down to a cent a copy and books will be mostly profit.” [MTP].

William Esnorthy wrote a postcard from Waterville, Ohio asking Sam for a “sample copy of your magazine with cromo to see what they are as I am a book agent” [MTP].

Rose Terry Cooke wrote from Pittsfield, Mass to Sam: “it is the sixth we expect you here; too well I know it! For it is also Ash Wednesday…. Will you like or dislike to see some gentlemen after the reading? If you don’t want to see them just say “No” on a postal card.” “Tell her No,” Sam wrote on the env. [MTP].

Anna Hoit Bumstead wrote from Atlanta to Sam reminding him of his annual gift to Mrs. Ware and her children. Sam wrote on the letter, “Please send her $25, Brer W. & apologize for delay — say I have been absent SLC” [MTP].

H.R. Hayden wrote to Sam on Underwriter Printing letterhead for the Raymond Library: “Yours of 24th inst. at hand. I do not feel I have a right to decline a contribution of books for the Raymond Library. At the same time we would much rather have you and buy your books…the date has been postponed until March 19.” Sam wrote on the letter, “Set of my books such as W&Co issue. & Grant” [MTP].

February 26 or March 5 Tuesday –  In Hartford Sam wrote to Susan L. Crane. The letter sandwiched the recent Paige typesetter exhibition in New York with pleas to Susan to bring Theodore back to Hartford.

Oh, come along home again! It broke my heart to see Theodore this morning, he looked so exhausted, so depressed, so indifferent to life. Come! — say you will [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.