May 10, 1889 Friday

May 10 FridayOrion Clemens wrote to Sam. Sister Pamela had arrived and he wrote:

We made a confidant of her, after pledging her to secrecy. Afterward your letter of the 7th came. It was just as Pamela was starting for the hack, which had driven to the door. She was made acquainted with the contents of your letter and its printed enclosure…promising to keep silence, and especially by …agreeing to say nothing about the machine… [MTP].

Dean Sage wrote from Albany, N.Y. to Sam. Sage and Parsons wanted to see the machine working before investing

I received your letter yesterday & waited until I could see Parsons this morning before answering. / I am glad to learn that your machine is so near successful completion & hope that in its results it will justify not only the type, but your faith & perseverance in working at it so long & expensively. / Now as to your offer…to offer your friends $50,000 to $100000 of the stock in a capitalization of $3000000 [MTP].

Charles H. Taylor for Boston Globe wrote to Sam (Lawson to Taylor May 8 encl.). “I have to ask your pardon for so long delay in answering your inquiry of the 20th ult.” The letter answered issues relating to the Typographical Union and the acceptance of typesetters [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.