May 16, 1889 Thursday

May 16 Thursday – In Hartford Sam wrote a letter of introduction for his nephew, Samuel Moffett, to Henry M. Alden, of Harper & Brothers. Moffett at this time was an editor on the San Francisco Examiner and was soon to visit. Sam added, “it may be that he can furnish you some magazine of value” [MTP].

Sam also wrote a similar letter for Moffett to Richard Watson Gilder of Century Magazine, and asked him to “introduce him to the other good & useful people, Buell & Johnson for instance.” Note: Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel were editors for the Century’s “Battles and Leaders of the Civil War” series (1888).

If you need any Pacific Coast or other kind of articles, you can talk business; otherwise you can talk weather. In any case, get acquainted; each of you is worth the effort [MTP].

Sam also wrote to his nephew, Samuel E. Moffett, who evidently had responded favorably to the date named for a visit:

Good — we shall look for you at the appointed time — say May 28th…. I enclose letters to Gilder, Cummings, & Alden (Editor of Harper’s Monthly.)… Your aunt Livy’s eyes are better, but not usable yet. With love to you & Mary. SLC [MTP].

Sam also wrote a note to Dora Wheeler for Livy. Apologizing for being Livy’s amanuensis “(who can write better than she can),” Sam verified dates of a visit from Dora and her mother, Candace Wheeler, plus one other guest:

Mrs. Clemens…hopes you can come May 22d, & remain till the 27th… And she cordially invites Mr. Keith to come up Saturday the 25th & stay over Sunday, & begs you to extend the invitation to him for her [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.