June 28, 1889 Friday

June 28 Friday – In Elmira Sam wrote to Franklin G. Whitmore.

I expect a telegram from Paige to-morrow to say the machine is done. After that, I would like a daily note from you telling me the state of the machine…. Ask Paige to keep the fact that the machine is finished absolutely secret from everybody until I come. I’ve got a scheme which will explain this [MTP].

Sam’s notebook: [chk] #4974. Whitmo, $125, June 28 / #4975. F.G. Warner $9 [3: 491].

Daniel Frohman for Lyceum Theatre wrote a brief note to Whitford that he’d received his letter with enclosure from Sam [MTP]. Note: this is catalogued to SLC. Sam wrote on the envelope, “Preserve it.”

Joseph Hatton wrote to Sam asking for the English rights to the play for P&P “for my daughter Bessie who asked me lately to write get your permission for its dramatization; she would I feel sure make a great success in the part — or both parts” [MTP]. Sam wrote on the envelope, “Preserve it.” See Oct. 12, 1891 entry

James B. Pond wrote to Sam, “Don’t you want to enter into a little enterprise with me for a few Cities, say New York, Boston, and all of the large Cities — fifteen or twenty?” [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.