July 29, 1889 Monday

July 29 Monday – In Elmira Sam wrote a two-paragraph note to Franklin G. Whitmore, about the Paige typesetter rate of production and of Charles Langdon’s visit of the prior evening and his agreement to send $5,000 to the U.S. Bank on this day. Earlier this day Sam went down town and saw Charles but had forgot to ask him if the deed was done [MTP].

Francis Dalzell Finlay wrote to Sam that he could be reached through his brother H.R. Finlay at New York City, Box 2082 [MTNJ 3: 484n4]. Finlay and his daughter Mary Finlay would visit Sam’s in October. (See Oct. 11 entry.)

Frederick J. Hall wrote to Sam about the production schedule for CY he’d outlined in his July 24 letter. Quick proofreading in Elmira would be required.

Now in regard to reading proof of the book, I will see that it is compared with the greatest of care and made to conform exactly with the manuscript [MTLTP 255n1]. Note: Stedman’s edits were to be preserved; Sam was adamant about the proof-readers following his own punctuation “absolutely” (see Aug. 20 to Hall).

Franklin G. Whitmore wrote to Sam enclosing a check drawn to Ralph Gillett, insurance agent for policies renewed, $365.01. Sam’s property was insured for $70,500 until Aug. 1, 1892 [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.