July 30, 1889 Tuesday

July 30 Tuesday – In Elmira Sam wrote to Robert Underwood Johnson of Century Magazine about illustrations for CY. The note expressed Sam’s desire to closely cooperate with Dan Beard, for whom he had great respect. He also wrote that he’d sent his MS to New York to be typewritten [MTP]. Note: Sam also mentioned he’d sent his MS “off to New York” to Howells, so as to make an anticipated visit more of a vacation [MTHL 2: 607].

The preparation of CY was underway. Frederick J. Hall wrote Sam and agreed, “We shall be careful not to get any religious matter in the Prospectus” for CY. Hall suggested pushing the book as a trade publication rather than by subscription, an idea Sam historically rejected [MTLTP 258n2].

H.L. Bunce for U.S. Bank, Hartford wrote that Sam’s account had been credited $5,000 from a check from J. Langdon & Co. [MTP].

An unidentified person wrote to Sam [MTP]. Note: this appears to be Sam mailing himself (From Elmira to Hartford) some clippings about Elsie Leslie Lyde, and another about the Mergenthaler Linotype machine in England.

Franklin G. Whitmore wrote to Sam:

Yours of 28th recd. Thanks for check of salary. I enclose as requested memo: of foods & ends paid by me for you. Segars 12.00….total $14.74. I have notified Paige of your desire to keep the finish of the machine a secret as far as possible [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.