August 20, 1898 Saturday

August 20 Saturday – In Bad Ischl, Austria, Sam wrote to John Brisben Walker, owner of Cosmopolitan. Sam had received a check for $120 and a receipt to sign, but in the “confusion of packing” the family for a summer outing, it had been lost. They would return to Kaltenleutgeben in about ten days  [MTP].

Sam also replied to Franklin G. Whitmore (his not extant), directing him to send Bliss’ check for $4,173.73 on to H.H. Rogers to invest. He was in Ischl for a few days so couldn’t refer to a contract Whitmore had mentioned. Sam and Livy were willing to allow neighbors of the Farmington Ave. property to put a sewer pipe across their property; he mentioned the Warners, Mr. Cawles, Richard Burton, the Niles family and Dr. Porter. If Whitmore wanted “better authority” than Sam’s letter, he could use H.H. Rogers with his power of attorney. Sam signed off: “With a few temper-relieving bushels of profanity, & with love to you all” [MTP]. Note: K. Patrick Ober identifies Dr. Porter as Dr.William Porter Jr. who attended Susy when she was dying and signed her death certificate [316].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.