August 29, 1898 Monday

August 29 Monday – In Kaltenleutgeben, Austria, Sam finished his Aug. 28 to H.H. Rogers.

P.S. Next Day. / Yours of the 19th has arrived [not extant], enclosing letter of Mr. Harper and opinion of Mr. Rives.

Good, I am glad a settlement is close at hand, though I wish Rives wouldn’t always keep on interfering with people’s arrangements.

I believe Bliss would gladly name a date, this time, for the Uniform edition, as a condition upon which the Harpers yield to his desires about new plates: a condition giving him still another year yet,—or more.

Evidently “a reasonable time” (with him) is too indefinite.

I reckon you are off for California now. Good times to you! / SLC [MTHHR 358]. Note: Rogers had interests in the Union Pacific Railroad, which was likely the basis for the trip to California.

Sam also wrote to J. Henry Harper. Only a draft with the heading survives, but he wrote a full letter the next day [MTP].

Sam’s notebook:

Aug. 29. ’98. Siveking’s [sic Sieveking’s] adventure has gone about Europe by telegraph—people call him a “made man.” No—this is merely notoriety; it won’t last; it is but a temporary advertisement. From what I can learn—partly from the papers but mainly from talk—he was kept in a cell 48 hours & then heavily fined [NB 40 TS 32]. Note: Martinus Sieveking; see Aug. 22 entry for this “adventure.”

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.