August 22, 1898 Monday

August 22 Monday – Sam’s notebook shows the family went to Hallstatt (Halstadt), Austria:

Aug. 22. Ischl. Take 2.43 train for Hallstadt. One large & one small trunk & 6 handbags to pack. Lay in bed & superintended. Got up at 11—shaving. Leschetitzky called. He told anecdote of the 2 American damen— tested the daughter, piano—entsetzlich! Advised her to learn to sing; 2 yrs later at another city—evening—7 musicians going to take train—the 2 arrived again—wanted daughter tested for voice—he no judge—she tried; entsetzlich! He recommended piano! Tableau. The 7 rolling on the floor. Then the whisky flask—3 marks—tested by 5.

“Where is Siveking?”[sic Sieveking] And Mme. Letstitsky. Not come. By & by she came. He? Oh, he has been arrested!” “What?” “Yes. A priest conveying the Viaticum to the dying, passed. He failed to take off his hat; & was promptly arrested by the police.[”]

Professor, Jean & Clara rushed away to see him in jail [NB 40 TS 31]. Note: Martinus Sieveking (1867-1950), Dutch pianist and classical composer, who had completed an American tour in 1895-6 including a performance at Carnegie Hall. Sam’s spelling of Leschetizky varied with his mood.

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.