March 30, 1905 Thursday

March 30 Thursday – At 21 Fifth Ave. in N.Y.C. Sam wrote to Daniel Carter Beard.

Dear Dan Beard: / You did not stay too long. That is settled.

2. I don’t think the [War] prayer will be published in my time. None but the dead are permitted to tell the truth. (I am offering a very small laugh at the Rockefeller-American-Board comedy. Now, slight as it is, I would not blame Harvey if he should say it isn’t good policy to print it; for he is responsible to his Co & should not permit laughs which could injure its business.)

I am grateful to the Illustrators for that thought, & to you for explaining my situation. Yonder in the future somewhere I hope the thought will occur again [MTP]. Note: Beard had called on Clemens on Mar. 11. See also his Mar. 24 to Clemens.

Isabel Lyon’s journal: A little change has taken place in the routine of my life, and it has unbalanced me. I cannot yet arrange my forces. Oh, Santissima [Clara], you who make a shrine of any house you inhabit, you who are a gift to every one who falls under your sweet thrall. Oh, Santissima—

I bend my head in silent worship of your flower soul, and of the white, white soul—the rainbow soul backed by the black clouds of experience—of your father [MTP: TS 49]. Note: the change is not specified.

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: “Mr. Doubleday said by telephone—in answer to inquiring from Mr. Clemens—that he had talked with Mr. Rogers by telephone, & that Mr. Rogers is going to make an appointment to talk with Mr. Doubleday for an article in the work[s]” [MTP TS 10].

Ralph W. Ashcroft wrote on Koy-Lo Co. letterhead to Sam, having rec’d the proxy, and giving details for Plasmon Co. machinations, including Hammond reportedly willing to bid up to $25,000 for the company assets at auction. He also said “Pin affairs are all right,” and had arranged with Stanchfield that the three of them would each have one-third interest in an option on the new “locking” safety pin patents [MTP]. Note: Spiral Pin Co., another of Ashcroft’s interests.

Edward Everett Hale wrote to Sam, thanking him for his promise of help on his copyright battle [MTP].

Elizabeth Jordan for Harper & Brothers wrote to Sam. “Your manuscript, ‘A Helpless Situation’ contains about 2,000 words. As it is not a story, I am a little at a loss to know what sum you have in mind as proper payment. Kindly write me…”[MTP].

John Larkin wrote to Sam. “I have your letter and check in payment of bill rendered in this Estate. / The bill will be receipted and filed in the Surrogate’s office as a voucher / Yours truly” …[MTP].

William H. Pearson for the N.Y. Produce Exchange, Safe Deposit and Storage Co. wrote to Sam. “In reply to your favor of the 29th inst [not extant] would say that we do not recognize an order, but that Miss Lyon can be admitted with Miss K.I. Harrison, who is a joint tenant with you, if they come together” [MTP].

Joseph J. Roche wrote on “CONSULAR SERVICE, U.S.A” note pad to Sam. “I trust the enclosed may be of sufficient interest to you to excuse this intrustion” [MTP]. Note: enclosed not in file.

Mrs. Frederick W. Russell sent Sam an engraved invitation to the marriage of her daughter Mary Wilcox to Mr. John Davenport Cheney at 4 p.m. Thursday, Mar. 30 at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Hartford [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.