March 3, 1905 Friday

March 3 Friday – Isabel Lyon’s journal: I met her [Jean] today on the 12.19 train when Katie left it. But yesterday was high holiday of the year for me. David and Lou were out at the Whitings to meet me there. I saw dear Mr. Whiting as he lay in his sick bed, a noble wonderful face, 81 years. I went to Hattie’s reception and saw friends and friends and friends. I went to the Moores and saw Jesse there. I stayed the night with Leila and we sat in our wrappers in her room and talked over biscuit and beer until nearly 2 o’clock [MTP: TS 42]. Note: Miss Lyon was in Hartford.

Isabel Lyon’s journal # 2: Met Jean at 12.19. Katie got off the train & stayed over to attend to some business for Mr. Clemens. Got some boxes from the Trust Company.

Jean’s trip to Dublin was successful. She found a house that Mr. Clemens will take. In fact he telegraphed so today [not extant]—to the local agent—Henry D. Allison [MTP TS 7].

Sebastiano V. Cecchi wrote on Haskard & Co. Bankers, Florence, Italy to Sam. “I wrote you on the 25 January Awocato Traverso has asked me to send you the enclosed document,” which had to do with terms of the examination of witnesses in the trial of Countess Massigila. The document would have to be signed by Clemens before the Italian Consul in New York [MTP].

Day By Day Acknowledgment

Mark Twain Day By Day was originally a print reference, meticulously created by David Fears, who has generously made this work available, via the Center for Mark Twain Studies, as a digital edition.