Day by Day entries are from Mark Twain, Day By Day, four volumes of books compiled by David Fears and made available on-line by the Center for Mark Twain Studies.  The entries presented here are from conversions of the PDFs provided by the Center for Mark Twain Studies and are subject to the vagaries of that process.    The PDFs, themselves, have problems with formatting and some difficulties with indexing for searching.  These are the inevitable problems resulting from converting a printed book into PDFs.  Consequently, what is provided here are copies of copies.  

I have made attempts at providing a time-line for Twain's Geography and have been dissatisfied with the results.  Fears' work provides a comprehensive solution to that problem.  Each entry from the books is titled with the full date of the entry, solving a major problem I have with the On-line site - what year is the entry for.  The entries are certainly not perfect reproductions from Fears' books, however.  Converting PDFs to text frequently results in characters, and sometimes entire sections of text,  relocating.  In the later case I have tried to amend the problem where it occurs but more often than not the relocated characters are simply omitted.  Also, I cannot vouch for the paragraph structure.  Correcting these problems would require access to the printed copies of Fears' books.  Alas, but this is beyond my reach.

This page allows the reader to search for entries based on a range of dates.  The entries are also accessible from each of the primary sections (Epochs, Episodes and Chapters) of Twain's Geography.  

Entry Date (field_entry_date)

June 1904

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June – The Critic for June, p.518-24 ran an illustrated (six photographs) article, “Mark Twain from an Italian Point of View” by Raffaele Simboli, correspondent for the Nuova Antologia. See Nov. 6, 1903 entry for excerpt. Included in the pictures was one of Jean Clemens on her white Italian saddle- horse (see insert), a gift from Livy, which would die in an August trolley accident in Lee, Mass. Also in this issue was Mark Twain’s “Letter to an Italian Editor,” p.

June 5, 1904

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June 5 Sunday – At the Villa Reale di Quarto near Florence, Olivia Louise (Livy) Clemens died of heart failure at “a little past 9” in the evening. She was 58 years old [June 6 to Aldrich, Howells]. Paine gives a detailed account of the hours before Livy’s death (other reminiscences vary slightly in detail):

June 28, 1904

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June 28 Tuesday – Sam later wrote of the mix-up of this morning:

In Naples at 10 a.m. sailing-day I sent my courier to the local agent to inquire if all was right. He was told the casket was on board. The ship was to sail at 4. I arrived on board about 3, & was astounded to learn there were no certificates [for the casket], & that if I could not produce them the casket must be put ashore, because without them it would not be allowed to land in America.

July 1904

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July – Review of Reviews (NY) published a portrait of Mark Twain, “From a photograph recently taken in Italy,” p. 122 [Tenney 39].

July 14, 1904

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July 14 Thursday – Livy’s funeral was held in Elmira [July 19 to Collins]. The New York Times reported , July 15, p.7:

Mark Twain’s Wife Buried.

ELMIRA, N.Y., July 14.—The home of Gen. Charles J. Langdon witnessed the gathering of a large number this afternoon to pay their last respects to the memory of his sister, Mrs. Samuel L. Clemens, who died in Italy. Burial was in Woodlawn Cemetery. With Mr. Clemens were his two daughters, Misses Clara and Janet [sic] Clemens.

July 15, 1904 Friday

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July 15 Friday – At the Wolcott Hotel, 31 Street and Fifth Ave. N.Y. He wrote his thanks to Edward Eugene Loomis, vice president of the Delaware & Lackawanna R.R., husband to Julie Langdon Loomis:

July 16, 1904 Saturday

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July 16 Saturday – In N.Y.C. Sam wrote to Ellen O’Neil in Hartford.

Dear Ellen: / Of all the tributes of homage & affection for our lost one that have come from her friends in many lands, that which came from you & John has moved me most & touched me deepest. Those white roses spoke a message of love as pure & fragrant as themselves; & the like of that love was in Mrs. Clemens’s heart for you two to her last day. She held you in as high honor as she held any of her other friends, & she never spoke your names but with affection.

July 17, 1904 Sunday

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July 17 Sunday – Emilie R. Rogers (Mrs. H.H. Rogers) wrote to Sam enclosing a letter of condolence from Helen Keller dated dated June 14. Keller had graduated in June from Radcliffe College, Harvard University. “I could not find the words…” Emilie wrote, being unable to send sympathy before now [MTHHR 578].

Thomas R. Lounsbury wrote from New Haven, Conn. a letter of condolence to Sam. “No death has for a long time so profoundly affected me as that of your wife” [MTP].

Seth Low wrote a nearly illegible letter of condolence to Sam [MTP].

July 18, 1904 Monday

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July 18 Monday – N.Y.C.: Sam’s notebook: “At 9.15 I and Ugo (butler; he arrived from Italy with the horses on Friday) left for Lee & arrived at 1.07. / Jean & Katy left at 3.30 & arrived about 7” [NB 47 TS 16].

The regional paper, The Berkshire Gleaner, July 20, p. 1 reported a Monday, July 18 arrival for Sam and Saturday, July 16 for Clara and (mistakenly) for Jean.

Mark Twain Arrives.

July 19, 1904 Tuesday

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July 19 Tuesday – In Tyringham, Mass. Isabel V. Lyon wrote for Sam to A. Chalkley Collins, that “it is impossible for him to appear in public—he is in very deep mourning” [MTP].

A. Chalkley Collins, attorney in Great Barrington, Mass. wrote to invite Sam to a celebration of “old Home Week the last day of July” [MTP]. Note: Lyon’s answer above.

Sometime between July 19 and 28, Sam posed for photographs by Joseph Gaylord Gessford in neighboring Lee, Mass. [MTP photo binders].

July 21, 1904 Thursday

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July 21 Thursday – In Tyringham, Mass. Isabel Lyon wrote for Clara Clemens to Martha G. Pond thanking her for her “sweet letter of sympathy.” Clara had been “utterly prostrate” since Livy’s death and so Isabel answered with thanks [MTP].

 Sam also wrote to Mary B. Cheney in South Manchester, Conn.

July 22, 1904 Friday

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July 22 Friday – In Tyringham, Mass. Sam wrote to Mr. Van Dreele. “I & my stricken family hold ourselves under the deepest obligations to you. You removed the difficulties which beset our mournful home-coming, & made our way smooth & untroubled. We cannot thank you enough, but we do thank you most cordially” [MTP].

July 23, 1904 Saturday

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July 23 Saturday – In Tyringham, Mass. Sam wrote two letters (the first not sent) to Frank Mason (US Consul at Frankfurt), complaining of the neglect in sending certificates for Livy’s casket to the Prince Oscar before it left from Naples, threatening to put the casket ashore. The second letter:

July 24, 1904 Sunday

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July 24 Sunday – Tyringham, Mass.: Sam’s notebook: “Rain—rain—rain. / [Horiz. Line separator] / Cold. We built a fire in my room. Then clawed the logs out & threw water, remembering there’s a brood of swallows in the chimney. The tragedy was averted” [MTB 1224; NB 47 TS 16 -17]. Note: Paine added the printed notebook dates, which were not part of Sam’s entries; he also made other small changes.

July 26, 1904 Tuesday

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July 26 Tuesday – Jean Clemens’ 24 birthday.

In Tyringham, Mass. Sam wrote to daughter Clara, who had left Lee, Mass and gone to New York with Katy Leary to be treated for her nervous condition by Dr. Angenette Parry in N.Y.C.

July 28, 1904 Thursday

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July 28 Thursday – In Tyringham, Mass. Sam sent the “TO WHOM THIS SHALL COME” note to Virginia F. Boyle in Memphis, Tenn., and added, “Few will know, better than you, the weight of the blow which has fallen upon us” [MTP]. Note: postmarked July 28; addressed in Lyon’s hand.

Sam also sent the “TO WHOM THIS SHALL COME” note to Charles Warren Stoddard in Cambridge, Mass., and added, “I thank you, dear old friend of the days when I was happy” [MTP]. Note: postmarked July 28.

July 29. 1904 Friday

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July 29 Friday – In Tyringham, Mass. Sam wrote to John Francis Holme of Bandar-Log Press. “I am exceedingly glad to be a Bandar Log Town stock and I sent my best thanks. The stuff has reached me and I highly prize it. Immeasurable disaster has befallen me since the La Shelles were under my roof and this has changed my permanent address. Sincerely Yours, S.L. Clemens” [MTP]. Note: Mr. & Mrs. Kirke La Shelle visited in Florence after April and before Livy’s death.

July 30, 1904 Saturday

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July 30 Saturday – In Tyringham, Mass., Isabel Lyon replied to Joseph Gessford, photographer.

In returning the prints to you, Mr. Clemens wishes me to say that you may use any of the small photos that you choose for the Berkshire Topics—but he would like you to keep for him the large fine one, the one that you have marked “Splendid” and beneath your writing Mr. Clemens has written “Best of all”—

Mr. Clemens would like to know what the price would be for 2 of himself & dog—mounted 6 of the large one mounted 12 ” ” ” ” unmounted

July 31, 1904 Sunday

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July 31 Sunday – Lee, Mass: Sam’s notebook: “LEE, Mass. / (Berkshire hills.). Last night the young people out on a moonlight ride. Trolly frightened Jean’s horse. Collision. Horse killed. Rodman Gilder picked Jean up,— unconscious; she was taken to the doctor, per the car. Face, nose, side, back contused; tendon of left ancle broken” [MTB 1224: NB 47 TS 17]. Note: Paine slightly altered the notebook entry, presented here.

Clara Clemens remembered:

August 1904

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August – Sam’s notebook: contains the title of Joseph C. Lincoln’s book, Cape Cod Ballads and Other Verse, by Joe Lincoln (1902), and a stanza from the poem [Gribben: 410: NB 46 TS 33]

“Italian With Grammar” ran in the Aug. issue of Harper’s Monthly [Camfield’s bibliog.].

The Plasmon Co. of America was nearly insolvent. John Hays Hammond was now the general manager of the company and took steps to revive things. From a 1910 decision on ensuing lawsuits:

August 1904

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August – Sam’s notebook: contains the title of Joseph C. Lincoln’s book, Cape Cod Ballads and Other Verse,

by Joe Lincoln (1902), and a stanza from the poem [Gribben: 410: NB 46 TS 33]

Italian With Grammar” ran in the Aug. issue of Harper’s Monthly [Camfield’s bibliog.].

August 1, 1904 Monday

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August 1 Monday – Sam arrived in New York and visited daughter Clara to disclose Jean’s accident. Clara then left Dr. Parry’s sanatorium and traveled to Lee, Mass. to visit injured sister Jean. She would stay three days and leave just after Sam arrived on Aug. 4 [Hill 97].

August 2, 1904 Tuesday

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August 2 Tuesday – Sam was in New York City, likely staying at the Grosvenor Hotel.

Otto Spengler for Argus Pressclipping Bureau sent a form letter to Sam, enclosing an article (not in the file) “certainly of interest to you,” and solicting they might serve him with others [MTP].

Amy S. Hutton wrote from Tyringham, Mass to Sam. She had heard of Jean’s accident. A trained nurse, she offered her services and a wish for a “speedy recovery” [MTP].